
Business English I & II

Business English was the second module that has been introduced on the second week and continued on the fourth week. It has been started from 25th October until 29th October 2009 and 8th November until 12thh November 2009. There were seven trainers who responsible for this period which are Mr. Mark, Mr. Peter Moses, Mr. Devanesan, Madam Ai Leen, Ms. Shamini, Ms. Khairany and Ms. Jesvinder. Based on the English pre-test that has been done, GEMS participants have been divided into 7 groups accordingly. The main purpose of this module was to enhance English communication skills, presentation skills, as well as to learn and to improve grammar among the participants. Throughout this module, hope that all GEMS participants will be able to utilize the English language as one of their medium communication.

One of the performances during Business English's week



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