

"HELPING BUSINESS TO EXCEL:Role of Young Eccentrics".
In the evening at 2.30 PM, all the participants gathered together for the motivation slot to listen to a talk about this topic, ‘Helping Business to Excel: Role of Young Eccentrics’. The General Manager of TADC (Terengganu Agrotech Development Corporation),Tn. Hj.Mohd Rosli Harun was invited as the guest speaker to give the talk.

Guest speaker with the VIPs.

There are several main values that the speaker highlighted during his talk such as things one has to do to be a better manager. He said management is a skill that can be learned and can be used to improve our capability. The important elements of management are to select the best leader, to become a motivated person, to enhance communication skills, to develop teamwork, and to build good relationship with everyone. But the most important advice given by the speaker is we have to be a leader and not only a manager. Therefore to become a smart manager, one has to stay calm and also act smart.

Tn.Hj.Mohd Rosli Harun with the token of appreciation.

“Understanding the Work Culture of the Corporate Sectors”.

On a wonderful morning last Thursday, the first Breakfast with GEMS Session had begun. The Director of Sandakan Jaya Teknik Sdn Bhd, En. Ibrahim Topaiwah had been invited to be the guest speaker. The title of his speech was “Understanding the Work Culture of the Corporate Sectors”.

En. Ibrahim Topaiwah

There are several main points of values that the speaker had highlighted such as all GEMS participants must strive to excel better than others and the participants need to know how to blend in well with the society.

Other than those mentioned, among the contents of his speech were why choose corporate sectors, corporate objective, operational framework and rules and responsibilities. He also said that it is very important for all GEMS participants to plan well for their future and to decide early in choosing to work in which sectors and departments.

The important elements of work culture are branding, image, marketing and functionality. The work culture is divided into soft and hard culture. In soft culture, the important elements are values & norms, Human Resource, decision making and authority & responsibility.

While, in hard culture there were appearance, color, standard and reward system. The other main point was what successful people must always do. The successful people always understand expectation of stakeholders, manage expectation, and give more than expected and adding value.



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