

Starting from 21st until 27th July 2009, each group for Business English were compulsory to send representatives for lunch time performances and for the master of ceremony.

For the first day that program was held, most of participants just sang a songs and poetry recitals. All seven group were very comited in representing their performances. Some of the GEMS participant were taking this program as their opportunity to show off their skills, creativity and talent in singing, reciting the poem and acting. The reason for this lunch time program is to give self confidence to all GEMS participants in order to prepare themselves for the Talent Day competition.

Group 4 presenting their cheer 'Alle alle kambate kora-kora'.

Each group were representing their performances with impressive way and performing their group cheer. All participants got energetic when the entire groups performed their cheers. Overall, the impact from the lunch time program was very useful in build up the spirit of teamwork and enhanced confidence level among the group members.

Audiences enjoyed the lunch time performances



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