In this module we have been introduced into seven steps towards achieving personal excellence as follows:-
i) Set clear mission and goal
ii) Understand the areas of success
iii)Build our self-confidence
iv) Develop our competency
v) Enhance our emotional quotient
vi) Improve our social capability and
vii)Strengthen our spiritual quotient.
All these seven steps were completed not only through lectures by motivator but also participations through game activities. The participants had been inspired through this module as they finally realized that they have potential and the to enhance their personal excellence.

The opening ceremony of GEMS at Suria Merang Resort launched by Dr. Muhammad Ikmal bin Mohd Said Director of Yayasan Khazanah on 27th April 2009. He has been accompanied by En. Hasree bin Mohamed, En. Amizi and En. Mohd Fazri bin Md Hussain of khazanah. The representatives for Irshad HR Consulting, a consultant of GEMS are its CEO, GEMS project manager En. Razali bin Rashid and 3 GEMS site management team lead by En. Azman Ibrahim, En. Jaszlizan Jaafar and Cik Faizah Zainal.
13 March 2009, in Putrajaya, the then Deputy Prime Minister launched a national programme namely Graduate Employability Management Scheme (GEMS). The programme is specially designed for Malaysia fresh graduates to enable them to be employable. Running at 8 side all over Malaysia, Merang Suria Resort, Setiu (SRM) is one of them. The 219 selected participants of the GEMS mostly from East Cost registered in Suria Resort Merang(SRM) on 25th April 2009, with the combination of 169 female and 50 male.
Programmed will take eight and half months comprise to classroom training at GLC and selected big firms for 6 months. It covers two areas where the first part of two and a half months is classroom training while the second part is industrial training. Under the classroom training, the participants undergo a classroom Executive Development training which covers 15 modules such as Business English, teambuilding and achieving personal excellence. As for industrial training,the participants will undergo the training on the real jobs in accordance with the result of PXT Profiling Test.
The Graduate Employability Management Scheme (GEMS) is a government capacity building initiative to equip unemployed graduates with commercially useful skills and experiences that would enhance their employment opportunities. It is part of the RM7 billion stimulus package announced by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister, Dato’ Sri Mohd. Najib Razak to keep the country’s economy ticking. GEMS is expected to train up to 12,000 over graduates. The objective of this programme is to reduce the number of unemployment among graduates
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