Tuan Haji Romli Hussin with the token of appreciation
Talk with GEMS session had held on 11 June 2009 by invited the guest speaker which is Tuan Haji Romli Hussin, Vice President Telekom Malaysia. The title is Achieving Excellent Performance at Work Place. In beginning of his speech, Tuan Haji Romli mentioned about three reality check business outlook which were globalization, technology advancement and social contact. Then, he introduced several characteristic of excellence worker which were become a quick change artist, always commit fully to your job, speed up in term of time to market, time to serve and time to restore.
Then, we should accept ambiguity and certainty behave like you are in business for yourself, continuously acquire the knowledge, adding more value and so on. One of main point that he highlight is “DON’T FEAR MAKE A MISTAKE”, because there’s none. Become an excellence worker, we should be interdependent that always synergize, practice think win-win, always seek first to understand then to be understood. He also stated that the most important characteristic that we should have is good attitude and be aggressive but not arrogant. In brief, Tuan Haji Romli advice to all GEMS participants to read more books in order to enhance our knowledge is proactive and put first thing first.
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