The activities were tazkirah, talk video show, Zikr, Yaasin recital and Solat Hajat done among participant. On the first day, many participants joined the event. They were very interested with the video show titled Alam Barzakh. One the summit day of the surau activities was full of participants which talked about Isra’ Mikraj. The talk was performed by a guest, Ustaz Ahmad Fadluldin bin Mohamad as Penolong Ketua Pengarah Pembangunan Insan of Yayasan Islam Terengganu.
On 2nd-4th August 2009, East Cost Gems (ECG) Sdn. Bhd. organized activities at surau of Suria Merang Resort for the GEMS programme which began on Sunday until Tuesday. The activities were tazkirah (Kau Kekasihku), video show, Yaasin recital and Solat Hajat.
On the first day, many participants joined the event. They were interested with the video show and for the second day of the surau activities was full of participant for slot Tazkirah when the guest talk about “Kau Kekasihku” . The talk was performed by a guest, Ustaz Rizwadi bin Azmi as Pegawai Agama Islam our guest from University Malaysia Terengganu.
Creaxxin Consultant Sdn. Bhd. organize surau activities started from 10th until 13th August 2009. For the first day, the speech entitled “Antara Kerjaya dan Agama” has been delivered by our Site Manager, Mr. Azman Ibrahim. A topic stresses more about our decisions to choose appropriate job so that our life will be blessed by our Creator, Allah s.w.t. For the second day, there was a video talk from Ustaz Azhar Idrus, entitled "Ramadhan" that used to be very useful and give awareness to all participants to change their attitude.
1st week Ramadhan - Surau activities were organized by Simfoni Nusantara Enterprise. At the first day, 24th August 2009, there was a video talk by Ustaz Muhammad Kazim bin Elias Al-Hafiz entitled, "Ramadhan and Bite by the Genie". In the video, he talked about the beneficial of Ramadhan. One of the beneficial is “solat sunat tarawih”.
Meanwhile on the second day which is on 25th August 2009, there was a speech entitled “Su’ul Khatimah” (die in despicable or badness) by our beloved Site Manager Mr. Azman bin Ibrahim. In his speech he mentioned that there are four types of “Su’ul Khatimah” :
- One refused to say “syahadat” when dying.
- Die with the satan artifice
- Die while doing a sin and lastly die as an infidel.
From 31st August to 3rd september 2009, Surau activity has been organized by EVO Enterprise. On Monday, we were having terawih prayer and video show entitled ‘RAHMAT ALLAH’ by Ustaz Shamsuri Hj. Ahmad. He talks about Allah guidance and bless, the characteristic of blessed people, and about our prophet Muhammad S.A.W.
On Tuesday, we also have terawih prayer and for this night, one of our trainers, Mr. Muhammad Fitri who is one of the person that converted to Islam and he volunteer to give an interesting talk about himself and why he got the guidance and blessed from Allah S.W.T to convert to Islam.
On Wednesday, there is supposed to be a talk about Merdeka in Ramadan by Ustaz Riswadi Bin Haji Azmi but suddenly canceled due to value talk that was held that night.
On Thursday, we were having terawih prayer again and the hope from the organizer is may this Ramadan be a month of blessings, a month of full of forgiveness and guidance for us maximize ‘amal’ and improve our patience.
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